Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The table of doctor pain

When you get shots doctors always use lingo you don't get. Here it is, explained.
"This won't hurt a bit"= A little bit of pain
"This is going to sting"= A LOT of pain
"IT will be over in a second"= YEEOCH!

Mom Minutes

You know how whenever you ask your mom to do something and she says in a minute it takes forever, I am here to help with the table of Mom Minutes.
In the bath=80 years
While she's cooking= 20 minutes
Chatting with friends = 45 minutes
Doing laundry= Speed of light (goodbye laundry)


You will not believe what is going on! I checked the weather today and we have a high of 50 degrees and a low of wait for it.............. 38 DEGREES! In Nevada that is considered freezing!  Finally, I get to use my coat!

Things you would like to see

Hey people! It's Bea! Is there anything you need to see on my blog? If so leave it in the comments down below! We hope to hear from you....