Monday, February 11, 2019

Bye bye Blog

Hey guys I am going to get rid  of this blog and start new blog here I hope you can check it out

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Im back

hey guys sorry its been awhile,i am working on redoing my site! I will post the new link soon.

Friday, September 14, 2018

A rad live tonight

A good friend of mine is doing a live tonight so be sure to tune in tonight for some awesome stuff! Check out her channel here:

Thanks!! πŸ˜€πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜€

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Blog making!

Image result for web

Need help making a new site or blog??

Hey, if you guys need help making a site or blog contact me. I will do it for FREE!!! Hope to hear from you soon!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Fun with cousins

Hi there! My cousins, Maddie and Gabbie are visiting from Virginia! They are so fun. We went to a wave pool, a flamingo habitat, and M&Mβ„’ world!! We had so much fun. We even rode the New York New York. When they stayed at my house we played Jackbox party Pack 3β„’. We played Quiplash, Fakin it, and TEE KO!!!!
I made weird sayings such as ham pits

Saturday, June 16, 2018

My trip

Hey Guys! I AM SO EXCITED FOR MY TRIP! I am going to Hong Kong. We leave on the 13th! 
We get to go to Disneyland and go shopping and have FUN!!!!! I CAN"T WAIT!  YAAAAAAAAY!!
                                                    Where are you going this summer??

How to make you own mini AC

Image result for fan to ice
Picture via Pintrest
Whats needed?
  • A medium sized fan
  • A small bowlπŸ₯£
  • ICE β„️
In my last post I mentioned a simple DIY A.C. It is so easy to make!
  1. Take out your fan and put it on a flat surface
  2. Put ice in the bowl until it fills up to the top (cubed ice works best) 
  3. Put the bowl on an elevated place so it is lined up with the fan. 
  4. Enjoy cool air coming your way! 

Remeber to stay cool this summer and have fun with this DIY!!

How to beat the heat

I like in las vegas and here in the summer it is super πŸ”₯ HOT πŸ”₯ I am going to tell you some great ways to beat the heat!

1. Drink lots of water
You need to remember to stay hydrated. Make sure to add your extra ice to help cool you down. You can also use a spray bottle or splash of water to cool yourself down!
2. Cold food
Using an oven during summer can really heat your house up. Make sure to have colder food such as cold watermelon, or my personal favorite, Ice Cream! 🍧
3. Cold activities
When it's cold what's better than going swimming 🏊 or running through a sprinkler   πŸ’¦ maybe even water balloons! 🎈
4. Cool Clothing πŸ‘•
This summer it is important to wear the right things. We all know the basics. Don't wear loa ng sleeved shirt or long pants πŸ‘–. But what about the fact that wearing cotton can cool you off. Another thing to think about is the darker the coloe, the more heat it attracts.
5. Fans and AC
When you are sitting by a fan on a hot summer day, doesn't that feel good? Well fa,ns are not the only thing you can do. While beating the heat, why not have some fun?? I will be posting a DIY on how to make your own little air conditioner!

I hope you all are having a great summer! remember to stay cool and stay safe this summer! Thank you!

Friday, May 4, 2018

One of my besties!

Hey, I would like you to meet one of my besties! she is about 5ft of awesomeness! Her name is Veda Potato. When I first met her in 3rd grade I HATED her,  (sorry potato head) we during that year I talked with her more, and we became best friends, but not for long. After that, we had a big fight and became frenemies. Then, she sat next to me in 5th grade. We ended up being besties again! She is one of my favorite friends. Veda is now my Enemies  


P.S. i am the cat 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Things you would like to see

Hey people! It's Bea! Is there anything you need to see on my blog? If so leave it in the comments down below! We hope to hear from you.Also if you like this and want to see more please Comment and subscribe! Thanks so much and have a happy last day of Winter!!!! Also, check out the polls and comment poll question ideas!
meme via:

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Make your own crop top(with bow)!

Make your own crop top(with a bow)!
By bethel Dawait

Hey guys! Today I'll be teaching you how to make a crop top. With a bow! I've been getting tons of email requests to do this, so here it is! A link will be there of a picture example of how it will turn out(maybe different material and/or color) 
LINK- Example
Let's get into it!
  1. Get a regular shirt(any color, material, etc.)
  2. Go to your mom
  3. Ask if you can cut your shirt
  4. YES: Continue to step #5 NO: Listen to her
  5. Cut your shirt to your preferred length
  6. Try it on
  7. GOOD: Continue to step #8 BAD!: Get another shirt and redo steps
  8. You are good to go

Hey! Yep, you! Your on my fashion section of Bea's Blog. So, since you're interested in fashion, come to my Bethel's Fashion Section every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. I will post every update at 5:30pm PST. Come join the fun. Also! I've started a fashion website being named Beth's Fashion Formula! Go to . I'll be posting(as well as this site) every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday! Love you and I'll see you on Tuesday! :)

Things you would like to see

Hey people! It's Bea! Is there anything you need to see on my blog? If so leave it in the comments down below! We hope to hear from you....